The Building Blocks

Discover valuable insights and engaging discussions on this blog. Explore our articles and podcast episodes as we delve deep on how to raise exceptional Muslim children.

Join us on this transformative journey of faith, growth and nurturing the next generation.

Pivotal Narratives
Parentsā€™s Pulse
Nurturing Intel
InsideĀ MNB
Carving the belief in the heart creates connection May 30, 2024

By: Fouzia Usman

I attended a dinner that Brendon Burchard organized for the ULTRA community, of which I am a part at the beginning of the month. These dinners are lavish, akin to wedding...

Sunday School or Muslim Nation Builders? - Part 2 maktab May 10, 2024

Sunday School or Muslim Nation Builders? 

Part 2: Why Sunday School is Failing Us and What We Can Do About It 

By Wael Adelgawad

As I mentioned in Part 1, I teach Sunday school to Muslim...

Connecting with Allah: A foundation for effective parenting - By: Mehreen Tariq connection May 10, 2024

Feeling the weight and exhaustion of the parenting journey, I often found solace on the prayer mat. Yet, by the time I reached it, drained by the day's challenges, weariness had overshadowed my...

Book Byte - The Delicate Balance: "Difference Between Advising and Shaming"- By: Sharmeen Kazi book byte May 10, 2024

Imam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali's book, "Difference Between Advising and Shaming," illustrates the delicate balance between offering sincere advice and avoiding the pitfalls of public shaming. It...

Correction versus Connection: How to Protect Your Kids' Hearts When Learning Their Deen. May 10, 2024

Join Sr. Fouzia Usman in an insightful conversation with Sr. Megan Wyatt, relationship expert, as they dive deep into the essential topic of 

"Correction versus Connection: How to Protect Your...

Dua Manifestation Story Apr 21, 2024

I had some profound reflections during the last ten nights of Ramadan.

On Friday, April 5th, it was the 27th night of Ramadan. More than 2.5 million worshippers were expected to gather in Masjid...

Sunday School or Muslim Nation Builders? Part-1 maktab Apr 16, 2024

Sunday School or Muslim Nation Builders?

Part 1: Teachers, Programs and Facilities

By Wael Adelgawad

I am a weekend Islamic school teacher. I teach a Sunday school class as a volunteer, and I also...

Who Do You Dream of Meeting? insideĀ mnb maktab nurturing intel parentsā€™s pulse pivotal narratives Feb 04, 2024

Muslim Nation Builders Lesson 14 Newsletter - January 26 2024

This week’s lesson focused on salat and the subjects around it, such as adhaan, wudu, and even the Israa wal Me’eraj.


The Lesson That Moved the 11-Year-Old's Heart. - By Sharmeen Kazi Jan 25, 2024

As a tarbiyah program that taps into the innate fitrah, the Muslim Nation Builders Maktab leaves a heartwarming impact on students. Stories continue to pour in, shared by both teachers and parents....

Living a life of fulfillment with Fitrah- My Personal Story - Fouzia Usman Jan 25, 2024

In the summer of 2022, when I was getting ready for a family trip to Turkey with my sister and our families, she suggested that I should take a complete break from “work” and enjoy the...

Recognizing Fitrah: The Key to ā€œAuthentic Happiness" - By: Sharmeen Kazi book byte Jan 25, 2024

"Authentic Happiness" is a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to take control of their happiness and well-being. Dr. Martin Seligman provides a blueprint for achieving lasting fulfillment by...

Unleashing your FITRAH: Finding Purpose in your Work Jan 25, 2024

A compelling conversation between Fouzia Usman and Faisal Amjad, founder of Know Your Purpose and co-founder of Muslim CEO. Explore the transformative journey of self-discovery that led Faisal from...

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